Manage Your Subscription Preferences:
As an America's Charities nonprofit member, we strongly advise that at least one person from each member organization receive our member updates. We have two lists we use to communicate with members based on the content:

"America's Charities Member Email List"
emails typically sent once a month
How It's Used: Used most often, we use this list to share member-only updates and news regarding the CFC, private sector workplace giving news, special discounts and opportunities only available to members, and resources to help your team successfully raise money from workplace giving donors. 

"CFC Updates Only List"
emails typically sent once or twice a year
How It's Used: Used only in special cases, we use this list only when a significant CFC update or ruling has taken place that our members need to know about 

Additional Lists You're Welcome to Subscribe to:
"CSR Newsletter"
Frequency: emails typically sent twice a month
How It's Used: Designed for both the nonprofit and corporate audience (not member-specific news), which we use to share information about trends and best practices in employee engagement, workplace giving, nonprofit-corporate partnerships, nonprofit fundraising, and social responsibility.

Check the box next to the resources you would like to receive:
America's Charities Member Email List
CFC Updates Only List
CSR Newsletter
Opt out from all email communications